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¿Puedes demandar a alguien por atropellarte?

When people drive in a careless and reckless manner, they may inadvertently strike a pedestrian, causing them to suffer serious injuries and sometimes fatalities. Pedestrian injuries can lead to significant medical treatment, high medical bills, and missed work time, among other consequences. Can you sue someone for running you over? In addition
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¿Tienen siempre los peatones preferencia de paso?

In most situations, pedestrians have the right of way. In fact, vehicle drivers have a duty to be on the lookout for pedestrians—especially at busy intersections where pedestrians are lawfully present in crosswalks. However, pedestrian accidents do not always occur near traffic intersections. They can happen near sidewalks, parking lots and garages,
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¿Cuáles son las causas más comunes de los accidentes de peatones?

​Pedestrian accidents usually happen when drivers operate their vehicles negligently, but what are the common causes of pedestrian accidents? At times, these accidents occur when roadways, sidewalks, parking lots, and parking garages have large cracks, potholes, and other defects. Pedestrian accident victims often sustain serious injuries that leave them hospitalized and needing
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Awards y en

National Trial Lawyers Top 40 Under 40 Incluido en TOP 40 Under 40 por The National TRIAL Lawyers en Centennial CO Insignia Varner Faddis Top Lawyers Denver - 5280 Magazine Instituto Americano de Abogados de Lesiones Personales Los 10 mejores abogados Los 40 mejores menores de 40 años 5280 Los mejores abogados de Denver