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Personal Injury Lawyer in Centennial, CO

At its core, personal injury law has one central concept: Other people owe you a duty to act as a reasonable person would under the circumstances. If not, they must pay you for the damages they have caused you. However, receiving the compensation you deserve is not an easy task. A Centennial personal injury lawyer at Varner Faddis Elite Legal LLC can be the key to your success.

The Centennial area is full of many different places where you might be injured. Anytime you get in your car, you can be hit by a careless driver on Colorado State Route 470. Even if you are not behind the wheel yourself, you can be injured when riding on an RTD bus or train.

Or when you attend a concert, watch a Broncos game, or spend the day at Elitch Gardens, you rely on others to perform their job correctly and act as reasonable people should act. The same goes for shopping at stores like King Soopers or Walmart or at malls like the Centennial Promenade. Unfortunately, accidents and injuries can happen anywhere at any time.

Why Choose Varner Faddis Elite Legal LLC For Your Centennial Personal Injury Claim?

You have legal options if you have suffered an injury through someone else’s wrongful act. Varner Faddis Elite Legal LLC (“VFEL”) gets results for our clients and holds others accountable for what they have done.

We have obtained these settlements and verdicts for our injured clients:

  • $1,250,000 for personal injuries
  • $1,130,000 for personal injuries
  • $750,000 for wrongful death
  • $800,000 for motor vehicle accident injuries
  • $590,000 for premises liability injuries

At VFEL, we put our clients first in our modern and innovative approach to the practice of law. Many law firms have not changed the way they represent clients since the 1950s, using antiquated and impersonal methods. Some focus on firm profits and volume case turnover instead of their clients’ needs.

You’ll soon see how VFEL is a new kind of personal injury law firm. Using cutting-edge technology, an individualized approach, and creative solutions, we maximize our clients’ recoveries and outcomes. Our standard of excellence is unparalleled, and we firmly adhere to our founding principles of service, integrity, and industry leadership. At VFEL, professionalism is paramount, and you can trust that your case will get the time and attention it deserves.

Reach out to one of our Centennial personal injury lawyers online or call us today for your free initial consultation to learn how we can seek the maximum value of your claim.

Common Types of Centennial Personal Injury Claims

There are many different types of personal injury cases. This area of the law covers practically every way that someone else might cause you harm. Although personal injury can include emotional distress and damage to your reputation, the most common type of personal injury case is when someone has caused you physical harm.

Personal injury cases can include:

Where is Varner Faddis Elite Legal Located?

Centennial Office Location:

6025 South Quebec St.
Suite 100
Centennial, CO 80111
Phone: 720-710-9073

Centennial Accident Statistics

The Colorado Department of Transportation provides data about deadly accidents in the entire state and by county. In the Centennial area (Arapahoe County), in the eight months from January to August 2023, 39 fatal car accidents were reported, and 44 deaths resulted from those crashes. In one recent year, our state reported 137 fatal motorcycle crashes, and with more than 200,000 registered bikes on the road, that number will continue to rise.

The fatality numbers for pedestrians and bicyclists are alarming as well. Nationwide, 7,342 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes (accounting for 17% of all traffic-related deaths), while 985 bicyclists died in traffic accidents in the same year. Many people are injured each year from accidents on property that is not properly maintained as well. Unfortunately, you can be a very cautious person, but the negligence of others can cause an injury.

What Types of Injuries Can Our Centennial Lawyers Handle?

Varner Faddis waiting room Depending on how you were injured, you may be facing a variety of medical concerns. The VFEL team of legal professionals helps injured people every day who are facing serious medical conditions including:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions and whiplash
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of limbs or extremities
  • Many other types of injuries

Some injuries may seem to be minor, but left untreated, they could become severe problems in the future. Always seek medical treatment following a collision or fall, and talk to a dedicated Centennial personal injury attorney to learn more about your legal rights.

How Does a Centennial Personal Injury Case Work?

Eric Faddis rising starts awardAlthough personal injury law encompasses many types of accidents, to recover compensation from the at-fault person or company, there are some unifying concepts:

  • You must prove that someone was negligent in your case
  • You will usually face an insurance company that puts its interests well ahead of yours
  • You need a tenacious and determined lawyer to fight for you to help you get the best possible result

What to Do After You Suffer an Injury in Centennial

To start, there are two very important things that you should do after you suffer any personal injury:

  • See a doctor to get your injuries diagnosed and treated
  • Partner with an experienced injury lawyer to help you seek compensation

Why You Need Prompt Medical Treatment

From the medical side, you should seek prompt treatment as soon as possible after your injury. First, your health and future are on the line. Many personal injuries can be life-threatening. Even if you do not notice immediate symptoms, they may show up days after an accident. When you eventually file a claim, an insurance company will question the severity of your injuries if you wait too long to see a doctor.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Consult With an Experienced Lawyer

On the legal side of your personal injury, every step you take and every decision you make after your accident should focus on two goals:

  • Proving that someone else was to blame for your injuries
  • Maximizing your financial recovery when someone else has a legal obligation to pay you

Do You Have a Viable Centennial Personal Injury Case?

When it comes to proving fault in your case, every claim has the same basic test (even though it may apply differently depending on your type of case). There is no one law on the books in Colorado that legally defines negligence. Instead, the law has developed through state and federal court cases that apply Colorado law.

Varner Faddis Criminal Defense & Personal Injury Lawyers Denver, COThe first element of the negligence test is that someone else owed you a duty of care. You may be surprised to learn that strangers you have never met owe you a duty of care. If you come near another driver on the road or you are legally on someone else’s property, they owe you a duty of care. They cannot do whatever they want. When their actions injure you, they must pay.

The second and most contested element of any personal injury case is proving that someone else acted unreasonably under the circumstances. The law does not require that everyone be perfect at all times. Instead, we all must act as any reasonable person would under the circumstances.

For example, if you are a driver, you keep your eyes on the road, drive rested and don’t break traffic laws. If you own property, acting reasonably means inspecting your property for dangerous conditions and working to resolve those issues or warn others about them within a reasonable amount of time. Acting reasonably varies depending on the situation and what the person is doing.

The third legal element of a personal injury case is proving that you have suffered an injury because of someone else’s negligence. In other words, you can show you might not have suffered an injury had it not been for the defendant’s actions.

How to Prove Negligence in a Centennial Personal Injury Case

Included in TOP 40 Under 40 by The National TRIAL Lawyers in Centennial COTo prove negligence, your injury lawyer will present the necessary evidence to show what happened in your accident. This evidence is needed to prove the other party’s negligent actions and why they are responsible for your losses.

Your lawyer will gather the evidence, which can include:

  • Eyewitness testimony from people who saw the accident or people who knew what happened
  • Video camera footage of the accident
  • Pictures from the scene of the accident
  • Corporate records, such as maintenance logs or employee records
  • Police reports after the accident (although these will not be admissible in court)
  • Criminal proceedings related to the same scenario that involve the defendant and your injuries

If you present a claim to the insurance company, they may accept liability and offer a settlement. Or you may need to file a civil lawsuit to present your evidence to a judge or jury to recover your losses.

What Damages Can You Receive in a Centennial Personal Injury Case?

Rising stars, Lauren Varner awardOnce you show that you are entitled to money, you must agree on an amount with the insurance company or prove your damages to a jury. Once you have filed an insurance claim, your case can get complicated. If you must bring a lawsuit, you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the complex legal maze leading to a trial.

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. Their owners are often shareholders who expect the insurance company to deliver specific financial results. An insurance company’s bottom line drops when they pay large settlement claims, so they always look to pay you as little as possible and far less than you deserve.

Once a skilled VFEL Centennial personal injury lawyer reviews your case, they can explain what you can expect and what we believe you deserve. Personal injury law mandates that the defendant pays for the damages they have caused you, whether they are objective economic damages or more subjective non-economic damages.

Do I Have to Deal With the Insurance Company?

The person who caused your injuries has likely purchased insurance to pay for their responsibility up to a certain amount. If you have been in an accident with an uninsured motorist, your car insurance policy may cover you up to your policy limits. At least, this is how everything works in a perfect world. However, when dealing with an insurance company, nothing is ever perfect because they have an inherent conflict of interest in handling claims.

Insurance companies do not respect or care about the people who file claims. They are only concerned about the company’s financial well-being. Chances are, you will hear from the liable party’s insurer early on. They may present a settlement offer that is shockingly low, or they may deny your claim altogether. Before considering any settlement offer, talk to a skilled personal injury lawyer to fully understand your rights.

Studies have shown that insurance companies sit up and take notice when a claimant comes to the table with an experienced lawyer who has a strong track record of delivering results. The companies know they are facing a tough battle when they see us. They know not to try to take advantage of Varner Faddis clients because we know their tricks and will not let them get away with short-changing our clients.

How Our Centennial Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help You

To ensure the best outcome, you should partner with a dedicated attorney in any personal injury case. Our personal injury lawyers can:

  • Client testimonial, Lauren FaddisLearn more about your case and answer any questions that you may have
  • Investigate your accident and obtain the necessary evidence to prove that someone else was to blame
  • Evaluate your damages so you know how much to seek in your claim or lawsuit
  • File a claim for compensation with the insurance company or a lawsuit in court
  • Negotiate a settlement agreement with the defendant or their insurance company
  • Handle all communications with the insurance company or the defendant’s attorney

All you need to do is work with our attorneys to help make decisions in your case based on their work and advice. Our attorneys can bring in real case results.

What Compensation Can I Request for My Centennial Personal Injury Case?

Varner Faddis elite legal Depending on your injuries and financial losses, you may be eligible to receive both economic and non-economic damages. For example, you may be able to seek economic losses such as payment of your medical bills or property damages and compensation for lost wages. You may also recover certain non-economic losses, including pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, and more.

Our mission is always to get the maximum compensation for your personal injuries. Many things can happen along the way that can jeopardize this goal. When you have experienced an injury, the medical bills pile up quickly, and you may not have money coming in to pay them. Simply stated, you need this money, but the insurance company does not want to pay it.

At Varner Faddis, we deliver results for our clients using the latest technology and a new way of thinking. We do not hesitate to take on insurance companies and large corporations if they are standing in the way of what our clients legally deserve. It does not matter who is on the other side of your case. We won’t hesitate to challenge powerful companies on behalf of our clients. We do everything in our power to advance our clients’ interests and get them the most possible compensation for their injuries.

Centennial Personal Injury FAQs

Here are a few questions potential clients often ask us about personal injury cases.

How much does an experienced Centennial attorney cost?

You do not need to pay our lawyers upfront for their services. In fact, we only are paid if we win your case. Winning means receiving a settlement check or a jury award. Then, our attorneys are paid a percentage of the proceeds of your award. If you do not win your case, you will not pay our attorneys, limiting the amount of risk to you. The personal injury system ensures you can receive solid legal guidance by structuring legal compensation to make it easy for you.

The insurance company has denied my claim or will not pay me enough. What should I do next?

The insurance company is an intermediary. It is not a judge or jury. Although they act like it, they do not have any power over you. If they will not pay you what you deserve or will not pay you at all, you can take your case to court. There is no rule that says that you have to deal with an insurance company. Filing a lawsuit will add time and risk to your case, but you may have no other choice.

Should I accept the insurance company’s first settlement offer?

In an overwhelming majority of claims, the answer to this question is a resounding no. The insurance company gives itself room to negotiate injury claims and will often start with a lowball offer, hoping you will accept quickly.

A good negotiator will not make their best offer first. Besides, if the insurance company slips one by you and gets you to take a lowball offer, they have boosted their profits by saving money they would otherwise have to pay. Our lawyers can review the settlement offer and provide solid legal advice to help you decide.

How Much is My Injury Case Worth?

Since every case is different — including the circumstances of the accident, the severity of your injuries, and the other parties involved — it is impossible to place a dollar value on your unique situation without further information. During a free consultation with one of our skilled injury lawyers, we can better understand your personal story and financial needs to help determine what your claim is worth.

How Long Do I Have to File a Centennial Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Colorado has established a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits. This means you must file a lawsuit against the responsible party within two years from the date of your accident. There are exceptions to this timeframe that could extend or shorten your window of opportunity, so it’s crucial to talk to a skilled personal injury lawyer to make sure you don’t miss your deadline.

Contact a Centennial Personal Injury Lawyer at Varner Faddis Elite Legal Today

Varner Faddis Personal Injury lawyersAs soon as your medical needs are addressed, you should contact a lawyer for a free consultation. The Centennial personal injury lawyers at Varner Faddis Elite Legal will make it easy for you to get the legal help you need by meeting you wherever and whenever is best for you.

The key is that we meet you soon. Call an attorney at Varner Faddis today at 720-710-9073 or contact us online for your free consultation and case evaluation.

See What Our Past Clients Say About Working With Us

Choosing a lawyer to work with after an accident is an important decision. To find the best Centennial injury lawyer to represent you, it’s wise to consider what other injury victims have to say. Some of our satisfied clients wanted to share their stories to help others facing the same legal challenges. Feel free to reach out for a free consultation to answer any other questions you may have.

Fought Relentlessly

“When I met Attorney Lauren Varner regarding bodily and emotional injuries for the first time, I thought she is too young to have enough experience to represent me. I was skeptical of her ability. It didn’t take very long that realize that I was absolutely wrong. After I was hit by an SUV on a sidewalk, I was in total emotional and physical pain. [The] driver who jumped into the sidewalk had no insurance and, at this point, after Lauren read my policy, she discovered that I am insured under my policy. She not only helped and guided me toward the best treatment, she also fought relentlessly against my insurance company to compensate me for my pain and suffering. I still feel guilty of my initial perception of her. I encourage anyone, absolutely, to hire Lauren Varner as their attorney in case of any type of accident.”

–Seied, Pedestrian Accident Client

Great Attorney

“Excellent service. Very knowledgeable. I received a great settlement check, in a very short time.I would definitely use her again if the need happens again.”

–Bob, Personal Injury Client

Reassuring, Confident, Well-Educated, and Empathetic

“I don’t even know how to put into words how thankful I am for Lauren! I was a pedestrian that was hit by a drunk driver, and when everything seemed to be so crazy and unpredictable she was reassuring, confident, very well educated and empathetic. She kept me informed every step of the way. The world of insurance AND law AND the medical field all combined couldn’t be more complicated, and was my worst nightmare. She did such an amazing job of explaining everything to me in a way I could understand and giving me realistic timelines and expectations. I can say with certainty that I could not have gotten through this without Lauren. I feel so lucky to have found her and she will forever be one of my favorite people! Thank you for all you did Lauren!!!”

–Darby, Pedestrian Accident Client


Centennial Emergency Rooms:

Centennial Hospital 14200 E Arapahoe Rd Building 1, Centennial, CO 80112

Centura Emergency and Urgent Care Meridian 9949 S Oswego St Ste 100 Parker, CO 80134

*Disclaimer – Varner Faddis Elite Legal does not endorse these healthcare providers, nor do we profit from having them listed on our website.

Centennial Court Houses

Centennial Municipal Court 13133 E Arapahoe Rd.

Centennial, CO 80112 Arapahoe Courthouse 13200-13652 E Fremont Pl.

Centennial, CO 80112 Colorado Judicial Branch  7305 S Potomac St #300

Varner Faddis Elite Legal Office

6025 South Quebec St.
Suite 100
Centennial, CO 80111
Phone: 720-710-9073

Neighborhoods We Serve

Willow Creek 80112, Algonquin Acres 80111, Cherry Knolls 80122, The Highlands 80122, Castlewood 80112, Southglenn 80122, Fox Hill 80015, Piney Creek 80015Saddle Rock Ridge 80015,

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